MIND4MACHINES is a Horizon 2020 INNOSUP Project conducted with 11 partners from 8 countries, covering North and South, East and West of Europe, under the coordination of Istanbul Chamber of Industry from Turkey.
MIND4MACHINES aims to facilitate the cross-sectoral and cross-border support needed by manufacturing SMEs to test and adopt the latest digital technologies for transformation towards smarter, greener, and more resource-efficient manufacturing, aligned with the latest EU policies.
MIND4MACHINES will give innovation support in the form of grants to be distributed as direct financial support to SMEs via two Open Calls. The first Call will be published on 27 April 2022 and kept open 2 months.
The objective of the calls is to raise the efficiency and competitiveness of the manufacturing industry, by adopting the latest digital technologies for transformation towards smarter, greener, aligned with the latest EU policies. This will be achieved by funding development, validation or market uptake of new cross-sectoral and cross-regional digital manufacturing value chains and increasing the TRL level of the proposed Industry 4.0 solutions in delivering innovative goods, services and processes.
The MIND4MACHINES calls are targeting technology provider SMEs, working in the field of industry 4.0 and manufacturing companies willing to adopt the industry 4.0 solutions.
Technology and Business Cooperation Days 2022 is offering a great opportunity to the technology provider SMEs and manufacturing industry representatives to meet for building Consortia for MIND4MACHINES Open Call.
For more information about MIND4MACHINES and Open Call please visit https://mind4machines.eu/
Please visit also the launch event Mind4Machines on Youtube to get more and detailed information.